12.12.2023 - 14.12.2023

The International Symposium on Chinese Art Conservation
Best Practices and
Future Directions
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Symposium Programme Overview

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12 December 2023
Hong Kong Heritage Museum,
The Hong Kong Palace Museum

Visit to the conservation laboratories of the Conservation Office and Hong Kong Heritage Museum of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department

Visit to the conservation studio and Gallery 2 of the Hong Kong Palace Museum


13 December 2023
The Hong Kong Jockey
Club Auditorium, LG/F,
The Hong Kong Palace Museum

8 Museum Drive, West Kowloon Cultural
District, Kowloon

Opening Ceremony

Keynote Speeches

The Current State and Future Directions of Chinese Art Conservation


International and Inter-institutional Collaboration in Chinese Art Conservation

Poster Display


14 December 2023
LG/F, The Hong Kong Palace Museum
8 Museum Drive, West Kowloon Cultural
District, Kowloon

Concurrent Sessions

  • Hong Kong Jockey Club Auditorium Sessions: New Conservation Facilities and Conservation Concerns for New Museums
  • Magnus Hall Sessions: Chinese Conservation Traditions and Innovation
  • Merit Hall Sessions: Multidisciplinary Collaboration in Conservation and Heritage Site Preservation

Plenary Sessions

  • Innovative Public Education on Chinese Art Conservation
  • The Current State and Future Directions of Conservation Professional Training

Poster Display

Closing Ceremony

The Organising Committe of the Symposium, the organisers or partner reserve the right to change or cancel any programmes or contents related to the symposium without prior notice. The Organising Committe of the Symposium, the organisers or partner are not liable for any loss or inconvenience caused as a result of such changes or cancellations.
Lead Sponsor
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